Seeking a self-determined way of life, three connoisseurs teamed up to found “Windspiel” in Germany’s mountainous Eifel region in 2008. The rest, as they say, is German spirits history ‒ and there’s really nothing else like it. As proven by the numerous awards, among other accolades, that “Windspiel” has managed to amass in this very short time.
Client: Windspiel Manufaktur
Bottle shape: BESPOKE The basic requirement for this bottle was to stand out from the crowd coupled with the highest level of optimization. This was achieved with a bespoke bottle shape featuring an array of details such as embossing on the base and shoulder, as well as eye-catching accessories on the neck: a brass ring plus a cord. It's a playful nod to the eponymous Italian greyhound (in German: Windhund)) and its harness.