Feindestillerie Hochstrasser

Specialisation is what aids perfection – and this is also the case for the Destillerie Hochstrasser. The family opened the doors to its first distillery plus guesthouse, vineyard and farm in Mooskirchen back in 1930. Now, three generations later, the family business has also built a brandy visitor centre and focuses solely on the production of fine aromatic brandies. Blending traditional distillery secrets with state-of-the-art technical apparatus makes each brandy a unique taste experience. Go to interview with Gerald Hochstrasser

Schnapps bottle

Client: Gerald Hochstrasser

The very narrow and tall schnapps bottle has a diameter of 54 mm and is almost 35 cm tall. A very special glass stopper provides the perfect finishing touch to this extraordinary design.

  • 350 ml
  • special glass stopper
  • dark glass colour
  • tall bottle design
You can taste it in every distillate made by this traditional company and palpably sense it when you visit the innovative business. We met Gerald Hochstrasser at his distillery – the most modern in Austria. He talks with understandable pride about the company's trajectory and its commitment to the highest possible quality. Not only as regards his brandies, but in general as well.
How did you come to work with CRISTALLO?
"We've known the Wratschko family for a long time, and have also worked with them since the '90s."

How did the idea for your very own schnapps bottle come about?
"We had the idea for many years, but it only became a reality with CRISTALLO. At the end of the day, we're not a big company. Our quantities are small, so our quality requirements are very high."

What's special about "your" bottle?
"First and foremost, it's the shape. Slender, tall, elegant. In combination with the glass stopper, it makes the perfect packaging for our products."

The interview continues beneath the images.


Why is the glass stopper so important?
"It was important to us from a consumer perspective. It reseals each bottle perfectly after it's initially opened, and is airtight. That was probably the most important aspect for us."

So this innovative bottle is also a good fit for your product range?
"Exactly. The whole look and feel of it is ideal for our new "Vakuum" brandies. A really coherent image for our unique product series."

More information about the distillery in Mooskirchen can be found at Feindestillerie Hochstrasser.