Rick Gin
“Rick” is a premium organic gin. Pure craftsmanship using purely organic ingredients. Only the finest quality raw materials and contents may be used in a Rick Gin. The company places strong emphasis on origin (everything is regional) and sustainability. Rick Gin uses state-of-the-art distilling technology and produces only to the very highest of all quality standards: “London Dry”. Very gentlemanlike indeed. Nothing but honest craftsmanship from the South Styrian town of Gamlitz.
Client: Rick Gin
Bottle shape: BESPOKE The client's idea was to have a 500 ml brown glass bottle, with a very clear branding and message: "organic and unfiltered" as well as "handcrafted in Austria". This also went for a white glass bottle. The requirement was easily met thanks to embossing. The project also included a cork closure with pad printing on the head, as well as partial lacquering on the white glass bottle.