
Reason to celebrate

# And the winner is … CRISTALLO

Over the last few weeks, we have been fortunate enough to celebrate several times over. Since last year, our brand image has altered dramatically. We wanted to look a little younger, a little more geared towards design – and we think we’ve managed pretty damn well. The recent communication and design awards that we won for our direct mailing campaign in January, for our new product folder and of course for our website confirm that we’re on the right road. And we couldn’t be more thrilled about it.

In case you want to know more details:

> Our direct mailing campaign “Was ist ein WOW Effekt” (“What’s a WOW factor?”) won Gold at the Summit Creative Award in Portland (USA).

> We took home the Green Panther Gold Award for our mailing, our product folder and our website at the Regional Styria Awards for Creative Communication in Graz.

> And in Berlin we were awarded the German Online Communications Prize in the “Website” category.

But that’s enough of blowing our own trumpet.


Beer Day at Cristallo

Beer Day didn’t come about arbitrarily. No – there’s a little bit of history behind it, courtesy of our northern neighbour. In 1516, the Beer Purity Law was passed by King Ludwig I. This decreed that German beer had to be produced entirely from natural ingredients such as water, malt, hops and yeast. The whole endeavour was of course to guarantee the quality of the beer, as back then a few additional ingredients were often served that in no way could be considered healthy.

Talking of quality… in the Middle Ages a quality inspection took quite a different approach. The beer in question was shaken onto a bench, upon which the inspectors had to sit for three hours in their leather trousers. If said trousers stuck to the bench upon standing up, the beer had passed the quality check.

Things today are rather different. After some 499 years, “Beer Day” became established, particularly in the German-speaking world and to this day bears testimony to the former Purity Law. Beer Day is celebrated internationally in August – of course we’ll tell you all about it.
The subject is very dear to Cristallo, as we are fortunate enough to count a few breweries among our clients who devote themselves to beer brewing with a great deal of passion. And we are happy to advise them on an ongoing basis regarding individual packaging.



But now you’ll still be asking:
What’s all this got to do with me? Well, we’ll tell you …

We want to mark the occasion of “Beer Day” with a little campaign. That’s why we cordially invite you to take a glass of beer with us at the office from today until Friday. Simply drop by and enjoy a cold beer.


Bottle Light

As you can see, the last few months have seen quite a few changes. And to keep everybody abreast of this, we sent a “Bottle Light” to all our clients to kick off the new Cristallo Unico campaign. A “Bottle Light”? Yes, you read that right. So what it is?

Quite simple: It’s a printed bottle with an LED cork light that is easy to charge using a USB port. The direct printing on the glass combined with the light effect turn an ordinary bottle from the Cristallo range into a unique designer object. It shows how we at Cristallo can make even more out of simple ingredients. By the way, we love it when our mailing is not only appreciated by clients, but also used by some as a very beautiful decorative piece on their own dining table.